We offer our Clients training services in the on-site or online (webinar) formula.
Such training courses may be provided:
- as part of regular improvement of knowledge and awareness of our Clients’ HR employees (the scope and frequency of which can be individually agreed with the Client, e.g. 10 monthly meetings to discuss the most essential labour law issues and the most recent court decisions),
- as a single (ad hoc) session on a specific subject in response to any current need existing in a given organisation (e.g. when the trade union is established in the workplace – training on the rules of cooperation between the employer and the union, as well as the employer’s rights and obligations within that scope);
- periodically, e.g. to provide a summary of legal changes in a given period.
We have extensive experience in providing training in various forms and to various entities.
Each time, we mainly focus on the practical aspect of such a meeting, so the knowledge spread and supported with numerous examples can be immediately applied in the organisation.
Clients may contact us and arrange an individual topic and date of the training dedicated to the specific company. We provide training for HR departments, managerial staff, board members as well as employees and associates.
Under this area of practice, we:
- offer closed training sessions tailored to the needs of our Clients;
- periodically organise training courses open to our Clients;
- cooperate with training organisations for which we hold training sessions or courses;
- cooperate with educational institutions (universities).
Contact us
Szuszczyński Kamińska sp.k.
+48 61 843 87 58
ul. Wrocławska 6/37
61 – 837 Poznań