PIP and ZUS audits
Audits of the National Labour Inspectorate (PIP) and Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) are an inherent part of operations of each employer. It is essential to be properly prepared for them and consult the course of the inspection from the very beginning.
Under this area of practice, we:
- provide our support at the pre-audit stage, conducting our own audits of the applied solutions in terms of their correctness and regulatory compliance (e.g. regarding working time, employees’ files or concluded B2B contracts), with special attention given to the areas most frequently inspected;
- suggest which areas to pay special attention to and what to expect during the inspection;
- indicate whether the employer is obliged to present all the documents requested by a given audit authority;
- provide consultation on an on-going basis regarding the audit and verify the correctness of steps taken by the audit authorities;
- often represent our Clients in proceedings before these authorities or in disputes with them at a later stage.
Contact us
Szuszczyński Kamińska sp.k.
+48 61 843 87 58
ul. Wrocławska 6/37
61 – 837 Poznań