Personal data in HR
The issue of personal data protection has become more and more important in recent years. This general trend applies also to the HR area.
Due to the specificity of the legal regulation concerning these issues, special attention should be given to the ongoing monitoring of official guidelines and positions – not only those in Poland, but also in the EU.
In this regard, we believe – often contrary to other law firms – that personal data protection cannot be treated as more important than the protection of employees’ life and health. We do not forget about it in our everyday work with employers, when we consult on an ongoing basis individual issues with regard to which the issue of employees’ personal data protection “emerges”.
Under this area of practice, we:
- carry out audits of compliance of HR-related personal data processing with the requirements of the GDPR;
- draft the following documents: information clauses, consent forms, authorisation templates;
- participate in the development of personal data protection rules in the organisation (in particular as part of personal data protection policy) and registers of data processing operations;
- participate in developing rules for the handling of incidents (person data breaches);
- verify the need for entering into personal data processing agreements and draft such agreements;
- notify Clients on an ongoing basis of the evolving interpretation of the GDPR provisions and guidelines of supervisory authorities for employers processing personal data;
- provide training courses for managerial staff and employees responsible for personal data processing as part of their job duties.
Contact us
Szuszczyński Kamińska sp.k.
+48 61 843 87 58
ul. Wrocławska 6/37
61 – 837 Poznań