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27th of May 2014Legal Counsellor Michał Szuszczyński is a speaker at the National Congress of Labour Law in Poznan. You can see the program of the Congress HERE

23rd of May 2014Legal Counsellor Michał Szuszczyński, who is LEWIATAN Confederation of Employers expert in the field of Labour Law, will participate in the second debate with representatives of the NSZZ SOLIDARNOŚĆ for Wielkopolska Region and the authorities of the Chamber of Crafts in Poznan. The subject of the debate are amendments proposed to the Labour Code aimed at facilitation of the conduct of current activities by entrepreneurs that concern employees and legal issues.

22nd of May 2014 –the next issue of our magazine was published at the Law Firm website in the "Newsletter". Enjoy reading!

16th of May 2014 – due to the acquisition of new foreign capital customers by the Law Firm launches English and German version of the website of Law Office. Welcome!

15th of May 2014 – appearance of Legal Counsellor Michał Szuszczyński on TV (in the "Economic Telescope" programme) connected with the Poznan Days of Entrepreneurship 2014, where Legal Counsellor Michał Szuszczyński was a speaker.

12th of May 2014 – the beginning of trial before District Court in K., where Law Firm represents the new client – an entrepreneur working in the construction industry, in case instituted by the claim of the wife of the former employee of our client, who had a fatal accident in the performance of work (construction of hypermarket).

7 May 2014 – At the invitation of the Poznań City Hall, Mr Michał Szuszczyński will be a lecturer at the 2014 Poznań Entrepreneurship Days. In his speech, Mr Szuszczyński will discuss selected issues related to the staff recruitment and employment. A detailed agenda of the event can be found here.

28 April 2014– Another big step in the development of the Law Firm – we start regular cooperation in the field of legal assistance related to labour law with a leading global manufacturer and supplier of aircraft seats for the biggest airlines. Our new Client provides employment to over 1,600 people in Poland, Germany, Republic of South Africa, USA and China. Thank you for the trust placed in us and welcome among our Clients!

17 April 2014 – The beginning of cooperation between the Law Firm and a new Client – a big operator in the furniture industry on both the Polish and European markets. In the initial stage of cooperation, the Law Firm will advise on the process of transfer of a group of employees to another company of the same capital group pursuant to Article 23(1) of the Labour Code. Thank you for the trust placed in us and welcome among our Clients!

14 April 2014 – The beginning of the prestigious lawsuit in which a new Client of the Law Firm, namely the Society of Authors ZAIKS with the registered office in Warsaw, entrusted the Law Firm with representing it in the litigation over the dismissal of its Poznań District Director on disciplinary grounds. You can read more about the case here.

10 April 2014 – The beginning of the lawsuit in S., in which the Law Firm will represent its Client (an authorised dealer of TIR vehicles of a very well-known brand in Poland) who terminated an employment relationship by notice with the Pomorskie Region Director due to the failure of the Pomorskie Branch to achieve the expected and satisfactory financial results.

8 April 2014Mr Michał Szuszczyński, being an expert in labour law of the Employers Association LEWIATAN, will participate in a debate with representatives of the authorities of NSZZ SOLIDARNOŚĆ of the Wielkopolska Region and authorities of the Chamber of Crafts in Poznań. The debate will be focused on proposals of amendments to the Labour Code, aimed at making it easier for entrepreneurs to conduct legal and employee-related matters in their day-to-day business operations.

4 April 2014 – The Law Firm has started to provide legal advising on the implementation of telework at one of its Clients. The scope of works to be performed by the Law Firm will include preparing drafts regarding both individual and collective labour relations.

1 April 2014Another lawsuit success of the Law Firm. Before the Court of Appeal in K. the Law Firm validly wins a lawsuit for its Client, regarding the termination of an employment contract with an employee on disciplinary grounds because of a gross breach of basic employee duties, consisting in the attempt to fraudulently seize the property situated on the premises of the work establishment. The proceedings were very difficult, both in terms of evidence (no eye witness of the incident) and legal aspect (the property was situated on the premises of the employer’s work establishment but was owned by a third party). We represented our Client who is a Polish company, being a member of the international corporation with the head office in Nuremberg, a manufacturer of cabling systems for such companies and brand owners as General Motors, Mercedes, Audi or Lamborghini.

28 March 2014Mr Michał Szuszczyński and Ms Anna Górna, a lawyer at the Law Firm, will conduct a training course for entrepreneurs, organised by the Chamber of Crafts in Poznań, on rules for settling the working time by employers.

27 March 2014 – A large lawsuit has been initiated, in which this time the Law Firm will represent an employee – an ex Regional Director in the international insurance corporation, dismissed by the employer as a result of expressing (in the opinion of the employer) criticism of the employer’s Management Board at a public meeting in respect of the planned activities related to the insurance policy in the region. The Court granted the motion of the Law Firm to question all 29 participants of the meeting as witnesses.

18 March 2014 – The Law Firm wins the first instance lawsuit for one of the biggest Clients who terminated an employment relation with an employee on disciplinary grounds due to the failure to notify the employer about the absence from work. The Court accepted the line of defence chosen during the proceedings by the Law Firm, according to which each employee should make every effort to make such notification in the manner stipulated in the company’s internal regulations and the failure to do so cannot finally incriminate the employer.

17 March 2014 – A company, being a Client of the Law Firm and a member of the international corporation – a leading manufacturer of beds and mattresses in Europe and Asia, operating in over 40 countries and providing employment to approx. 7,000 people, has entrusted the Law Firm with legal advising on drafting and implementing the company’s new internal acts regulating the rules for remunerating employees and awarding bonuses to them.

13 March 2014 – The Law firm offers internships. You can read more here.

11 March 2014Mr Michał Szuszczyńsk is a lecturer at the Polish Labour Law Congress in Wrocław. The Congress agenda can be found here

5 March 2014 – While continuing cooperation in the field of labour law with a Polish company, being a member of the international consulting group providing comprehensive business consulting services, the Law Firm has started advising on the implementation of internal regulations concerning the system and rules for improvement of professional qualifications by employees.

1 March 2014 – A Polish company, being a member of the international corporation in the bathroom equipment sector, has entrusted the Law Firm with conducting an audit of employee relations within the scope of the individual and collective labour law.

1 March 2014Mr Michał Szuszczyński is a lecturer at the next edition of the course for HR & Payroll Specialists organised by the Accountants Association in Poland.

28 February 2014Mr Michał Szuszczyński and Ms Anna Górna, a lawyer at the Law Firm, will conduct a training course for entrepreneurs, organised by the Chamber of Crafts in Poznań, on entering into employment contracts, staff recruitment and rules for maintaining employee files.

17 February 2014 – The first issue of our magazine can be found in the Newsletter section on the website of our Law Firm. Enjoy the read!

7 February 2014 – Mr Michał Szuszczyński will conduct a training course on “2014 Labour Law, taking into account amendments made in 2013, the most recent court decisions and positions of the national labour inspectorate,” organised for entrepreneurs by the Accountants Association in Poland.

1 February 2014 – An entrepreneur running a chain of pharmacies entrusted the Law Firm with litigation representation in a lawsuit against an employee dismissed on disciplinary grounds due to a material breach of basic employee duties, consisting in forging employee files.

1 February 2014 – The Law Firm has started cooperation with one of the biggest electric energy corporations and distributors in Poland for whom we provide services in the field of both individual and collective labour law.

28 January 2014 Mr Michał Szuszczyński will conduct a training course on “Flexible working time”, organised for entrepreneurs by the Wielkopolska Employers Association Lewiatan.

4 January 2014 – The Law Firm has started cooperation with the Polish branch of the German clothing chain providing employment to over 16,000 people and having almost 1,000 stores in 32 countries. Thank you for the trust placed in us!

1 January 2014 Mr Michał Szuszczyński again is a lecturer at the next edition of the course for HR & Payroll Specialists, organised by the Accountants Association in Poland.