HR law firm
What makes us unique?
We are a law firm specialising in labour law, and more generally, in HR law.
Issues regarding employment relationships are central to our operations. The dynamic evolution of the labour market, including its legal regulations, forces us to constantly improve our qualifications and broaden our knowledge. The specificity of HR operations requires from us to efficiently respond to the changing needs of employers and recommend optimal solutions. We stay up-to-date with any amendments in this field of law – we follow novelties, analyse case law and review drafts of legal acts. In the “Law in HR – labour law in practice” blog we also share our practical experience in labour law.
Our specialisation naturally translates into the highest professionalization. Our lawyers can boast expertise, experience and above-average passion for labour law.
While supporting our Clients, we take into account that they don’t necessarily have to share that passion. Therefore, it is our priority to provide prompt and ready-made solutions as well as understandable recommendations that are easy to implement in practice.
Who are we?
We are a group of specialists in both individual and collective labour relations, which allows us to render targeted advisory services in this branch of law. We work in compliance with the highest professional standards and, which is of particular importance to us, with appropriate consideration given to the business needs of our Clients.
What do we do?
We provide services related to HR law to all employers, including companies, entrepreneurs, institutions, national and local government administration authorities as well as the education sector. We provide advice to board members, company owners, HR managers and heads of HR departments.
We also cooperate with other law firms providing services to our Clients which do not specialise in labour law and with in-house lawyers, supporting them with our expertise.
Contact us
Szuszczyński Kamińska sp.k.
+48 61 843 87 58
ul. Wrocławska 6/37
61 – 837 Poznań